by rmgadmin | Jun 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA Part 7 in a continuing series Life can be lived fully, either on the inside and/or the outside of your skin. Those who live mostly on the outside are considered ‘Hard’ stylists. Those who choose the interior abode are the ‘Soft’, or Internal...
by rmgadmin | May 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA Part 6 in a continuing series This is a leisurely chronicle of my teaching journey from January to March of 1999. I recorded hundreds of daily teaching events throughout this time period. As a sensei, I’ve assumed the task of...
by rmgadmin | Mar 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA Part 5 in a continuing series: 84 days in the life of an American sensei in 1999 The martial work I have done both as a student and a sensei over the last three decades has brought me to an intriguing place in life. I’ve...
by rmgadmin | Feb 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
PART 4 IN A CONTINUING SERIES I was a partially blind teenager. That is, I had come to the awareness that I had little, conscious spiritual sight. Yet, by contrast, I somehow intuited that we are all born with the light inside us. It just didn’t lie near enough at my...
by rmgadmin | Feb 4, 2014 | Uncategorized
PART 3 IN A CONTINUING SERIES Welcome To My Dojo I have learned from students as many lessons as I have passed along. I owe gratitude to them for the richness, substance and sustainability of my life. We sensei of the world are just big students in teacher’s garb,...