CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA Part 7 in a continuing series Life can be lived fully, either on the inside and/or the outside of your skin. Those who live mostly on the outside are considered ‘Hard’ stylists. Those who choose the interior abode are the ‘Soft’, or Internal...

Perching Falcon

CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA Part 6 in a continuing series        This is a leisurely chronicle of my teaching journey from January to March of 1999. I recorded hundreds of daily teaching events throughout this time period.         As a sensei, I’ve assumed the task of...


                       CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA Part 5 in a continuing series: 84 days in the life of an American sensei in 1999 The martial work I have done both as a student and a sensei over the last three decades has brought me to an intriguing place in life. I’ve...


PART 4 IN A CONTINUING SERIES I was a partially blind teenager. That is, I had come to the awareness that I had little, conscious spiritual sight. Yet, by contrast, I somehow intuited that we are all born with the light inside us. It just didn’t lie near enough at my...


PART 3 IN A CONTINUING SERIES Welcome To My Dojo I have learned from students as many lessons as I have passed along. I owe gratitude to them for the richness, substance and sustainability of my life. We sensei of the world are just big students in teacher’s garb,...