by rmgadmin | Jun 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA#26 in a continuing series 84 days in the teaching life of an American sensei in 1999 Friday, January 15 Mitch arrives for his 10 a.m. private in his green Ford pick up. He parks in front of the house. I can see him from my desk removing a bulky...
by rmgadmin | May 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA#25 in a continuing series— 84 days in the teaching life of an American sensei in 1999 Classes are small today due to the accumulating snow. I ask Dharman, my young apprentice, to teach the first class. I want to give him the opportunity to...
by rmgadmin | Apr 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
What is the difference between internal and external martial arts? Hayashi Tomio There are two understandings of the distinctions between internal and external martial arts. The first is quite simple. Any art...
by rmgadmin | Apr 14, 2015 | Uncategorized
From Tenshin Arakawa, Shifu Tenshin Ryushin Ji How can kata be used as a tool toward achieving enlightenment?Since kata helps with concentration and Kata supports...