by rmgadmin | Oct 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA#35 in a continuing series(84 days in the teaching life of an American sensei in 1999) I have a devoted teaching staff. Fifteen years ago, in the 1980’s, I could singlehandedly teach a class with as many as fifty-five children. That was the limit...
by rmgadmin | Sep 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA#34 in a continuing series 84 days in the teaching life of an American sensei in 1999 Bob and Tim await their semi-private at 6:45 pm. Both men have been consistently training for ten years. We call Bob, ‘The Bear.’ Bears, like Bob, can only be...
by rmgadmin | Jul 31, 2016 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA#33 in a continuing series:(84 days in the teaching life of an American sensei in 1999) I have a student that others have aptly named, the Cyborg. He’s up next. He arrives late from Manhattan at 6:08 pm for his remaining five forty-five minute...
by rmgadmin | Jun 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
CHRONICLES OF THE DOKA#32 in a continuing series— 84 days in the teaching life of an American sensei in 1999) As Steve prepares to go, Paul emerges from the waiting room. Both men are musicians. Paul plays blues guitar. Steve is a passionate jazz pianist. I introduce...
by rmgadmin | Jun 21, 2016 | Uncategorized