I’ve witnessed a lot of changes since my formal introduction to Okinawan karate in 1968. 2024 marks my 56th year in the arts—53 as a professional teacher. Even more dramatic, have been the changes in the world since then. Life has become frenetic for most. The trend being, ‘Do it all, and hurry up!’ Perhaps, this is why anxiety has striken such large swaths of society. Even our arts are having to adjust to the world’s wild gyrations. For example, a lot of schools took a big hit during the pandemic.

Regardless, I prefer to drink my tea slowly, because I was born in an era where the pace of life was easier and people were generally positive and accomodating, a healthy way to be.

I have no desire to hurry up and produce. Liken it to a farmer saying to his plants, ‘hurry up and grow.’ It’s not natural. Okay, there is a small part of me that would like to do weekly blogs and increase my social networking presence, but that’s a cultural stick poking me from behind. Rushing has never sat well with me.

I would however, like to share what I have been up to lately. Teaching remains steady and productive. Thanks to a devoted group of yudansha we continue to make extraordinary inroads into the internal nature of the traditional, form-based disciplines, which are all interlinked through common principles.


Somtime soon, no later than the end of June, 2024, I will be releasing my latest book on Kiko, a 400 page, 190 image, deep dive into the internal principles embedded in traditional martial arts. This book was a labor of love that gained full steam during the pandemic.

In March a serendipitious event tasked me with the creation of an entire Special Edition of Masters Magazine, published out of California, which should also be released in late June. I was offered the editorship and cover appearance along with two feature articles. I corralled a dozen or so expert contributors who cover such topics as; the origins of the Dojo, monastic martial science, the early days of Okinawan karate on American soil, the vanishing art of ‘effortless’ power, and more.

Further in the literary arena I believe is the nearing completition of a book on the life of a former student, Harvey Schwartz. Harvey was an exceptional martial artist who went on to became a captain of industry as CFO of Goldman Sachs and currently as CEO of the Carlyle Group. His book will include an entire chapter on his martial experiences training with me in the 90’s.

I must also mention, Kate Marshall in Australia, who has done extraordinary research on the sacred currents running thorugh most of our traditional arts. Her book, presently pending release, is entitled; Sacred Arts Martial Arts, a must for any serious martial practitioner.  And of course, I should mention the editing flare of the Inner Kata Queen,

who as I write, is tidying up my Middle Grade novel, Sensei & The Flying ‘S’, an epic martial mystery, sure to jangle the brains of daring readers. It’s a zany story that needed airing.

I take my time—slow and steady. Those who know me, know I favor the tortoise.

I never said I don’t get things done.

*The expression ‘slow and steady wins the race’ comes from the fable written by Aesop in the 500s B.C. of the race between the Tortoise and the Hare.

Readers wishing for release dates about the books and magazine can contact me at windschool@earthlink.net to be added to a notification list.